Description of a Cognitive Education Workshop for Adults
Workshop duration
The cognitive education workshop for adults proposed here, is composed of 10 two-hour sessions. In principle, these sessions are spread over three or more months, based on the rhythm of one session per week or per two weeks. However, to facilitate the integration and application of knowledge, it is preferable to not have less than one session per week.

Sessions structure
Each two-hour session is devoted to one strategic principle as well as its associated strategies and multiple applications. If we exclude the introductory, integration and evaluation sessions (sessions 1, 9 and 10), seven principles and ensembles of learning and problem solving strategies are covered and related to educational and professional successes.
The first, ninth and tenth sessions have a different structure from the others. Whereas the first session primarily deals with deriving a meaning from this undertaking, the ninth session aims at the integration and harmonious operation of the newly acquired strategies and the last session is reserved for the evaluation of the workshop.
Session 1: I observe how I learn.
The first session is primarily used to introduce the participants to the specific procedure of the workshop. In addition to the initial contact and the establishment of a climate of trust between the trainer and the learners, the goal of the session is to derive a meaning from the workshop. The session is geared towards the development of the participant’s attitude of observing their own functioning in learning and problem solving situations, this habit of self-observation is the first condition for any awakening.
Session 2: I control my impulsivity and use positive self-talk.
The second session is devoted to the control of impulsivity and to the development of optimistic and positive internal dialogue. It looks at the sources of impulsive behaviour and their consequences, particularly on learning and problem solving in times of stress. The session aims for the learners to develop the habit of thinking before acting. It also aims for learners to realize the importance of controlling their internal dialogue and to change their defeatist thoughts, negative anticipatory scenarios, self-depreciation and self-criticism into more realistic positive thoughts. Equally, this session aims to have failures and difficulties reattributed to learning strategies used, rather than to aptitudes.
Session 3: I observe methodically, completely and with precision.
The third session is devoted to methodical, complete and precise observation of situational data. With methodical observation, the data is associated with strategies such as observation of quantity, quality and temporal and spatial data. The session aims at the development of the participant’s habit to methodically explore, to attentively listen as well as their use of a precise vocabulary.
Session 4: I methodically approach problems.
The fourth session is devoted to the methodical approach to a problem. The session aims at the participant’s development of the habit to be precise in what they want, or what is expected from them, to become aware of what prevents them from immediately achieving this goal, to reduce the complexity and to break down the task by approaching it part by part and to carefully select the pertinent information and only that.
Session 5: I organize my information properly.
The fifth session is devoted to the organization of information gathered, by means of methodical observation. The session aims at the participant’s development of the habit of comparing the similarities and the differences among, and logically regrouping, situational data and also at perceiving the hidden organization of objects and phenomena in their environment.
Session 6: I accurately interpret situations.
The sixth session is devoted to finding links between various situational data by extracting the meaning. This ensemble of strategies facilitates a better understanding of participant’s environment as opposed to a fragmented and partial vision of the reality. This session aims at the participant’s development of the habit of considering the links between various situational data, verifying the exactitude of the information and interpreting only after having examined the various hypotheses possible in order to avoid errors in understanding.
Session 7: I memorize well.
The seventh session is devoted to the control of attention, concentration and memorization. The relationships between attention, concentration, organization of participant’s work time and environment, the nature of the tasks and factors such as stress, anxiety, motivation, distractions, fatigue and preoccupations are explored. Also explored are the relationships between memory function, study habits and the organization of knowledge. The session aims at participant’s development of the habit to quickly concentrate on a task, management of effort to work longer without tiring or losing effectiveness, management of distractions and bothersome thoughts and remaining concentrated during routine tasks. It also aims for the participants to develop their habit of creating efficient memory tools and interiorizing and consolidating acquired knowledge.
Session 8: I clearly communicate my ideas.
The eighth session is devoted to the communication of ideas. The session aims at the development of the participant’s habit of organizing their ideas before expressing them, responding in a structured, precise and concise way and taking into account their audience and verifying audience understanding.
Session 9: I reflect upon my strategies.
The ninth session is devoted to the harmonious use of the various learning and problem solving strategies previously seen, in a new learning or problem solving situation. This penultimate session aims especially at participant’s development of the habit of thinking about the strategies to use before and during a course of action.
Session 10: I take stock of my learning.
The final session is devoted to the retrospective evaluation of learnings that were realized during the course of the workshop and to the learner’s prospective development.

STAGE 1 – Introduction to the strategy
Introduction |
Put the participants at ease and arouse their interest in the session.
Brain-teaser |
Create the imbalance and reveal the need for the targeted strategy.
Session goal |
Clarify and show the value of the session’s targeted strategy.
Clarification of concepts |
Ensure that the concepts and essential notions are understood.
Links with previous sessions |
Recall the pursued goals of the cognitive education workshop. Evoke the recall of key elements from previous sessions and relate them to the new topic. Verify the progress.
STAGE 2 – Training the pertinent use of the strategy
Problem solving activities |
Train the conscious and reflective use of the targeted strategy. Demonstrate its utility in a variety of tasks.
STAGE 3 – Discussion of the strategy applications
Principle |
Formulate a simple and easy to remember principle, show the advantages of the targeted strategy. Expose the strategy’s application conditions.
Applications in studies |
Examine the strategy’s applications in educational studies and workplace contexts.
Personal objectives for change |
Plan an objective for change that is related to the strategy.
STAGE 4 – Summary and conclusion
Summary / Conclusion |
Ensure that the participants have retained the session’s key elements (goal, principle, notions, applications, personal objective).
